by callie | Feb 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
Monadnock Millwork wins best booth award for their launch of BarnFold Hardware at the NRLA LBM Expo in Boston. (February 13th, 2019) Monadnock Millwork “The Barn Door Shutter Company” specializing in smaller applications of barn doors, and barn door hardware won the...
by callie | Jan 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
It has now been a long run for the Barn Door trend, and it seems as though it is not going anywhere soon. The first generation of Barn Door hardware has now been fabricated and made smaller to accommodate cabinetry and entertainment centers. Top mounted barn doors...
by callie | Apr 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
Along with the barn door shutters, there also comes the hardware to install the shutters. Beyond being used for a wide range of interior door applications, barn door track hardware is also used for other applications. The barn door track hardware is what Monadnock...
by callie | Feb 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
Monadnock Millwork, the Barn Door Shutter Company, was awarded the best new product at the LBM Expo ’17 in Providence RI. Barn Door Shutters for internal windows are a revolutionary way to provide insulation, privacy and block light.
by callie | Dec 30, 2016 | Uncategorized
Monadnock Millwork manufactures American made wood products for your home. We are located in the Monadnock region of Southwestern New Hampshire and have a reputation for producing fine quality wood working for over 50 years. Manufacturing domestically allows us to...