
Monadnock Millwork
The Barn Door Shutter Company

For Immediate Release

Introducing Monadnock Millwork — The Barn Door Shutter Company Bringing Barn Doors to Windows and Cabinets

West Swanzey NH – March 23, 2017 – Port-O-Lite, a West Swanzey-based company, launches a  new company Monadnock Millwork to capitalize on the growing trend of interior barn doors. Using barn doors inside homes has been the design rage for several years and now the trend is moving beyond doors to windows and cabinets.

Monadnock Millwork, the barn door shutter company, has 6 distinctive styles of barn door shutters that are specifically designed for windows and cabinets. These barn door shutters provide 98% light block, window insulation, and privacy. One of the key components of these sliding barn door shutters is the specialized track and hardware.

“We partnered with Goldberg Brothers, a leading barn door hardware company, to deliver a barn door shutter system that is stylish and designed for interior use” said Pete Delaney, Founder of Monadnock Millwork. “Barn Door Shutters are a revolutionary way to bring the beauty and elegance of a barn door to your windows.”

The company was started last fall by Pete and Derek Delaney, a father and son team best known for their exterior shutters and doors sold through their parent company, Port-O-Lite Co.
They attended their first trade show in Hickory, NC. and haven’t looked back since. Another show in Charlestown, SC., led to their first northeast show held in Providence, RI last month. This show is the largest retail lumberman’s show in the country, and while there, Monadnock Millwork was recognized as having the best new product at the show.

The initial response to the product line has been very encouraging and exciting” added Derek Delaney, President of Monadnock Millwork. “Barn door shutters instantly make any window the centerpiece of the room”.

The barn door shutter sizes range from small cabinet sizes to large window sizes. The signature shutters are the Walpole, Peterborough and Dublin and they are named after local towns from the monadnock region.

For more information on Monadnock Millwork please visit or contact us at 603-352-3207.

About Port-O-Lite Co. and Monadnock Millwork

Port-O-Lite and Monadnock Millwork manufacture American made wood products for homes. We  are located in Southwestern New Hampshire and have a tradition of producing fine quality wood working for over 50 years. We specialize in Barn Door Shutters, Café Doors, and other millwork items such as molding and flooring. Everything we make is made from native wood and is produced at our 50,000 sq. foot manufacturing facility in the Monadnock Region.

Monadnock Millwork Products

Barn Door Shutters:
Barn Door Shutters are a revolutionary way to bring the beauty and elegance of a barn door to your windows. Made with specialized track and hardware these barn door shutters are fully functional providing light block, privacy and insulation. The 6 distinctive styles of barn door shutters range in size from small cabinet sizes to large window sizes. Barn door shutters will instantly make any window the centerpiece of the room.

Barn Door Cabinetry:
Barn Door Cabinetry used for entertainment systems or kitchen cabinets, is an innovative way to use cabinet doors. Attached to cabinet-sized track and using attractive hardware these barn doors make sliding open a cabinet very easy and visually appealing.

Download Press Release: Monadnock Millwork Company Press Release – 3-21-2017